GED & Pre-College Education
GED® & Pre-College Education
The GED® & Pre-College Education program is a completely FREE program for students and community members who are ready to make a positive change in their lives! We provide information, practice skills, and resources to help participants earn their GED® credential, improve their English language abilities, and brush up on reading, writing, and math skills.
We prepare students for success in their families and communities, the workforce, and future education programs. Classes are available through both our Coos and Curry Campuses.

Join Our classes!
To enroll, new students must attend an orientation and take a placement exam which serves as a guide to help instructor develop individual programs of study for students. Orientations are held the first week of each academic quarter and classes begin the following week.
Apply for GED® & Pre-college Education!
All new GED® & Pre-College Education students must complete this application:
GED® & Pre-College Education Information
The purpose of GED® classes is to improve skills in reading, writing, and math at all levels. We have morning, afternoon, and evening classes both in-person and via Zoom at both our Coos and Curry campuses. Free tutoring is also available for one-on-one help. GED® classes start at the beginning of each academic term (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer) and are available in the following subject areas: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Benefits of Taking GED® Classes at Southwestern
Friendly & Helpful – Southwestern’s GED® program offers high-quality instruction from friendly and helpful staff. Our classes are designed to prepare you for your GED® exams as well as for college and/or career entrance. Our classes are completely free and no textbooks are required.
Free Exams – Southwestern ’s GED® students are eligible for FREE GED® Ready Practice Exams as well as free GED® Exams. Southwestern students also have the opportunity to be enrolled in GED® Flash, an online GED® Exam Prep program for free.
Tuition Assistance – Southwestern GED® students who complete all the GED® exams with an average score of 155 or higher are eligible for a tuition waiver to attend classes at Southwestern following the completion of their GED®. This tuition waiver is renewable for up to two more terms at Southwestern if students maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Do you want to learn English?
We can help you learn to speak English! Classes are offered at the beginning and intermediate levels both day and night. Students will receive instruction in speaking, reading, writing, and listening to English in a fun, safe classroom atmosphere and through experiential field trips. Classes are open to refugees, immigrants, permanent citizens, and US residents who wish to work toward personal or academic goals. Many of our students move on to completing their GED, entering a certificate or degree program at Southwestern, becoming more involved in their communities, and most importantly—meeting daily communication needs!
If you have a high school diploma or GED® and need some extra help in reading, writing, or math, our Pre-College faculty and staff can help. Pre-College classes help you improve your reading and writing skills, improve math comprehension, enhance your job skills, learn to write a resume, and practice computer skills. Pre-College instruction is provided through our GED® and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.
Are you a recent High School graduate?
Keep your skills sharp and ready for your first fall quarter as a Southwestern student! Take advantage of Pre-College summer classes and be ahead of the rest on your first day of college.
Want to improve your placement scores?
Did you know you can re-take your placement exams if you are not happy with your score? Brush up on your math, reading, and writing skills with our Pre-College classes and take a re-test!
What Is The GED® Exam?
The GED® credential is a set of tests that, when successfully completed, indicate that the student has met high-school level academic skills. The GED® is equivalent to a high school diploma and also qualifies a student to be eligible for financial aid for college courses. The GED® credential consists of four tests: Science, Social Studies, Reasoning through Language Arts, and Mathematical Reasoning. Students must be at least 16 years of age to take the GED® exams.
How Do I Get Started on My GED® Credential?
If you believe you are ready to take your GED® exam, all you need to do is visit and create a free account. At, you will schedule your four different subject tests paying $38 per subject.
Testing is available at Southwestern’s Coos Campus in the Stensland Hall Testing Center, at the Curry County Library in Gold Beach, and also proctored online through
Can I Take the Test if I am Under 18?
Yes, students age 16 or 17 are eligible to take the GED® exams with a release from the school district in which they reside. For more information on how to obtain a release from district, please contact your local school district or educational service district (ESD). You will not be able to schedule GED<sup>®</sup> exams until you provide the GED® Testing Service with your signed release from district form.
How Long Will Each GED® Section Take?
There is a different time limit for each GED® section. The time limits are as follows:
- Science – 90 minutes
- Social Studies – 70 Minutes
- Reasoning through Language Arts – 150 minutes
- Mathematical Reasoning – 115 minutes
How Much Does It Cost to Take The GED® Exam?
The cost for each GED® section is $38 for a total cost of $152. When making your testing appointment on, you will pay the testing fee online using a credit or debit card.
Do I Have to Take All of the GED® Tests at Once?
You do not have to take all four GED® sections at one time. According to, there are no restrictions on how much time you have to complete all the tests once you have taken your first GED® section. That said, we recommend you complete all sections within a year and do not take more than two of the exams in one day.
What Are the Passing Scores for the GED® Exam?
Each subject section is scored between 100 and 200 points. The scoring range is as follows:
- Below Passing Score: 144 and under
- Passing Score: 145 and higher
- Honors Passing Score: 170 and higher
Are Practice Tests Available?
GED® Testing Service offers a free preview tests on their website:
There are also GED® Ready practice tests at that cost $6 per test. These tests are half the length of the actual GED® section and will be scored the same way as the official exam sections. The GED® Ready score report tells students if they are likely to pass or if it’s too close to call and they should keep studying.
Students enrolled in Southwestern’s GED® courses can take the Practice Tests FREE with instructor approval.
Free GED® prep classes
If you need to refresh your skills before testing, GED® & Pre-College Education has classes to prepare you to pass the GED® exam. Classes are available in Tioga Hall on the Coos Campus, at the Curry Campus in Brookings, and online.
Free GED® testing
Students who are enrolled in Southwestern’s GED® classes have the opportunity to earn free GED® tests by simply attending class and doing their homework. Contact us for more information.
How Much Do Classes Cost?
All GED® and Pre-College classes are free to any student. All course materials are also provided free of charge.
Are There Online GED® Courses?
Yes! All of our courses are available live in-person, or live online via Zoom. Students can freely switch between in-person and online as best fits their schedule.
Can You Help Me Improve My College Entrance Exam Scores?
Yes. Pre-College classes are focused on reading, writing, and math—what most entrance exams test. Save time and money by boosting your placement scores to qualify for college-level classes.
When Can I Schedule my GED® Tests?
To check testing times and availability you will need to log in to your account on and click “schedule a test”. GED® and Pre-College Education staff do not schedule tests or have access to the test availability calendar.
Questions about the GED exam?
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